Samford Valley Markets

Samford Valley MarketsSamford Valley Markets

The Samford Valley Markets are held on the second Saturday of ever month at St Pauls Anglican Church, Samford Valley, Queensland.

The Samford Valley Markets draw people in from far and wide. Locals find its a relaxing way to start the weekend.

You can shop for produce, find a bargain, enjoy brunch and indulge in truly great coffee - all in the delightful leafy grounds around the Church.

Parking is close by and buses are welcomed. Between 40 and 50 diverse stalls carry an amazing range of goods and services.

Our Markets are famous for their welcoming atmosphere and their country charm.

Each month a donation is made on behalf of the Stallholders from the proceeds of the markets.

For more information about having a stall at the Samford Valley Markets, please phone Kate on 0414 550 302.

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❊ When ❊

Date: Saturday 12th April 2025 | View Upcoming Dates
Times: 7am - 12noon

❊ Where ❊

Samford Valley Markets⊜ 12 Mt Samson Road   Samford Valley Map

12 Mt Samson Road, Samford Valley, Queensland, 4520
✆ 07 3289 1715

❊ Web Links ❊

Samford Valley Markets

Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more

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