Living Museum of Logan |

This contemporary social history museum is a place to see, hear and experience the stories of the people who have made the City of Logan what it is today.
The displays acknowledge our city's past, illuminate the present, and help us imagine our future.
It's a place for our diverse communities to tell their own stories in their own words, through arts and cultural expression, providing opportunities to raise awareness and build upon respect.
Click here to view a brochure on the Living Museum of Logan.
First Nations space
A co-curated space by and for Logan's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Visitors can learn about First Nations language and culture, and hear digital stories from Logan's Elders.
The Living Museum of Logan is open Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 4 pm and when performances are held in the Butterbox Theatre. Closed Sunday and Monday.
The Living Museum of Logan is located at 270 Jacaranda Avenue Kingston, inside the main brick building at the Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct.
By road
By road the precinct is conveniently located between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, just 5 minutes off either the South East Freeway or the Logan Motorway.
Free onsite parking is available for your convenience. The car park holds 82 cars with overflow areas for large events and has a dedicated area for bus parking. Please consider other transport options when attending large events.
By rail you can access the precinct via Beenleigh or Ferny Grove lines. Disembark at the Kingston Train Station then take a 200m stroll from the station to the venue.
By bus, TransLink bus routes stop within a short walk of the precinct. The three closest bus stops are Kingston Station (4 min. walk), Kingston Road at Gould Adams Park (9 min. walk) and Clare Road near Kingston Road (12 min. walk).
Active transport
The precinct is easily accessible by bicycle, with a local cycleway network connecting KBF to key activity centres in the City of Logan.
❊ Location ❊
Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct [ view ]270 Jacaranda Ave, Kingston Queensland View Map
Telephone: (07) 2803 4701
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Living Museum of Logan
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