Urban Hotel |

Its a culture. We love nice things. We like our hotels to be like our homes (sometimes better than our homes). Finishing touches and pieces that make you wonder where they got that from?
From the Tivoli alarm clock that keep track of time as you drift away, to the warmth and love you will feel from our Urban team members, everything about the Urban experience will make you feel like you belong.
Urban. It will suit you.
We also want to inspire you. Create special spaces and unique experiences where all your senses are heightened. A place where you will fall in love with travel all over again. A place where you can discover the delight that a million little considered details bring.
There's a special nac required to do this - turning bricks and breakfast into more. We are style hunters. We appreciate modern luxury, premium branding, and designer detail, and want to share our discoveries with you.
Urban is more than a hotel. Its the ultimate shortcut to finding not only the best accommodation, but the best that each city has to offer. Each property delivers a unique and delightful personality thats a perfect match for the city you are in. All whilst delivering the signature Urban brand.
More style. More inspiration. More love.
Urban. More than a hotel..
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 345 Wickham Terrace Brisbane 4000 View Map
℅ Meanjin
✆ Telephone: 07 3831 6177
❊ What's On ❊
Coming to Urban Hotel..➼ Gazebo Restaurant & Bar
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Urban Hotel
➼ www.hotelurban.com.au
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