Australian Jugger League Inc

Australian Jugger League Inc

Australian Jugger League Inc is a Not for Profit Association Incorporated in Queensland, Australia.

Like sport and want to try something a bit different? Dont like sport but think the idea of hitting your friends with foam swords and running around a park sounds like fun?

Jugger is an awesome game with all ages mixed gender teams. It also has a fantastic community and is growing in popularity across Australia and the world.

The objective of the game is for one player to get the skull to the goal at the opposing end of the field. Sounds easy right? Not quite. The other team will try to stop the runner by tagging them with foam swords staffs or even a ball and chain. The runner has to rely on their team mates to protect them and clear a path.


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Australian Jugger League Inc

Tags: Team sport; alternative; foam battle

Australian Jugger League Inc
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