The Necks

Thursday 29 February 2024
Brisbane Powerhouse
Official Tickets:
The Necks are one of the great cult bands of the world. Not entirely avant-garde nor minimalist nor ambient nor jazz the music of The Necks defies genre and convention.
The band the New York Times famously dubbed "the greatest trio on Earth" have never repeated the same performance delivering stunningly improvised shows that send audiences into an ecstatic trance.
More than 30 years into their career pianist Chris Abrahams drummer Tony Buck and bassist Lloyd Swanton continue to surprise with their transportive mix of experimental jazz avant-garde rock and Zen-like minimalism.
Experience The Necks' legendary improv skills in this one-of-a-kind performance.
Part of OHM 2024.
❊ Official Tickets ❊
Book Online Here Times: 7:30pm
❊ Where ❊
Brisbane Powerhouse View Venue
119 Lamington Street New Farm Queensland 4005 Map
✆ Venue: 07 3358 8622 | Box Office +617 3358 8600 | Event:
❊ Web Links ❊
→ The Necks→ Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more
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