Recycling Old TV's & Monitors

Recycling Old TV's & Monitors

We all want to know what to do with e-waste: old television sets, computers, printers, phones and screens.

Australia now has recycling schemes and companies that specialise in collection and recycling services.

The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme is managed by Australian Government: Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment.

Some companies like MobileMuster run a recycling program of the Australian mobile phone industry.

National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme

The National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS) was established in 2011. It gives Australian households and small businesses free access to industry-funded collection and recycling services.

These services are for televisions and computers including printers computer parts and peripherals.

How does the scheme work?

Companies who import or manufacture television and computer products over certain thresholds are liable under the scheme and are required to pay for a proportion of recycling through membership in a co-regulatory arrangement.

How can I access an e-waste recycling service?

Members of the public and small businesses can drop television and computer products at designated collection points for recycling.

For more information on the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme, contact 1800 332 783.

Recycling drop off points

Information for households and small business



TechCollect is here to take care of unwanted computer products and TVs.

At the moment too much electronic waste ends up in landfill. TechCollect is a new recycling service that can help you rehome or recycle your unwanted Computers or TVs in an environmentally sustainable way.

We're working with partners across the country so watch out for TechCollect drop-off sites and events near you. We can help you do the right thing so don't throw it out bring it in - it's free.
boxes to cut down boxes to cut down boxes to cut down

The free TechCollect service is for households and small businesses. Larger businesses government departments schools and other institutions should contact their equipment manufacturer or reseller for recycling program details.

Drop-off Locations


Recycle your e-waste for free! ECOACTIV provides a FREE collection and recycling service for unwanted IT equipment

Service is open to small medium and large companies agencies and public organisations


Over 12 Different Categories & 800 Items. Year-round Collection.

Year-round Collection


Sims Recycling Solutions is the global leader in the secure sustainable and responsible recovery of redundant computers electrical and electronic equipment and other materials for reuse and recycling.

In the APAC region we have electronics recycling operations in Australia India New Zealand Singapore and South Africa. We offer businesses and organisations cost-effective eco-friendly and legislatively compliant electronics and IT recycling and reuse services.

Items we accept

Melbourne IT and computer recycling
Melbourne Battery recycling
Melbourne Computer monitor and TV recycling
Melbourne Hazardous e-waste
Melbourne Photocopier and printer recycling

195 Forster Road Mount Waverley | Phone: +61 3 8542 4000
Call 1300 E RECYCLE (1300 3732 9253) to arrange an ewaste collection


The MobileMuster program collects and recycles mobile phone handsets batteries and accessories from a network of over 2000 mobile phone retailers local councils government agencies and businesses drop off points across Australia.

New role for tubby tellies

Katie Cincotta |

An e-waste program is set to give our obsolete cathode ray sets an extreme makeover.

'WHY is that television fat?'' my girlfriend's young son says pointing to an old cathode ray tube television sitting in our lounge room. The eight-year-old set isn't plugged in; it's just for show so the TV unit doesn't look bare. If we're honest about it we probably haven't offloaded it yet for nostalgia's sake to reminisce about the days of the '' box'' . Our television relic sits two rooms away from its shiny new LCD replacement (to avoid shame and embarrassment) and serves as a shrine of sorts to electronics past.

But things are about to change for our old fat box because of TechCollect a free e-waste collection service organised by the Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform (ANZRP) a nonprofit industry-run body that came about through the Product Stewardship Association (PSA) formed by the Consumer Electronics Suppliers' Association.

E-waste collection means our sad old TVs and thousands of other unwanted computers and printers go from being hazardous waste in landfills to useable recycled materials. Our tech rejects are set for an extreme makeover that in recycling is called '' de-manufacturing'' .

TechCollect is one of three e-waste recycling services operating in Australia keeping dead tech from landfill graveyards; it has drop-off centres in Victoria New South Wales and South Australia.

In October the Knox transfer station began filling five-tonne shipping containers with old CRT televisions and monitors which weigh an average 25 kilograms each. Hauled away by truck to a recycling sorting centre such as the Sims facility in Oakleigh South the products are ripped apart for a new beginning or safe disposal.

Since the centre got up and running in mid-September more than 1000 televisions and computer monitors have been collected in Knox which isn't surprising considering Australians buy more than 30 million new TV and computer products each year according to TechCollect.

That staggering consumption rate helps explains why the federal government is pushing for e-waste recovery through the PSA act which aims to boost e-waste recycling rates from 10 per cent to 80 per cent by 2022.

Watching the tech autopsy in action is a fascinating and uplifting experience - 95 per cent of most devices are able to be salvaged (the remaining 5 per cent goes into landfill) with glass plastic and metals then shipped off to specialist recycling plants for reuse.

Sims Australia general manager Rod Bonnette says the most valuable parts of electrical waste are the precious metals such as gold silver and copper which are found in cables circuit boards RAM and contacts.

Apart from the recovery of valuable materials the process also aims to prevent toxic waste from being released into the environment . Consumer electronics include a mix of up to 60 elements including toxic chemicals and metals such as lead mercury and cadmium which can leach into the soil and waterways when the equipment in which they are contained is left in the open weather.

Sims Recycling Solutions a world leader in the field is mindful of the financial and environmental impacts of e-waste recycling and is also concerned with the health and safety of employees handling hazardous materials. There are also the company's trademark secrets to protect. The metals found in TVs and computer equipment are increasingly rare and expensive to dig up out of the earth so efficient and effective e-waste management is becoming more competitive. Which means no mobile phones or cameras allowed at the plant and visitors don full safety gear before entering the factory.

A walk-through reveals how e-waste is unloaded weighed categorised sorted and dismantled including a live demonstration of a CRT being completely stripped which takes one man just three minutes.

With seven staff on duty about 10 tonnes of tech waste can be processed each day. The plant houses huge batches of old TVs computers fax machines creditcard readers drills and keyboards each with their own workstation for dissection.

Most e-recyclers do the job manually but Sims uses technology and custom personal protective equipment in its process to avoid accidents. Even the smallest part of the product - the battery - needs to be handled with extreme care.

Another common source of e-waste is mobile phones. For those who've upgraded their phone which Australians do on average every 18 to 24 months companies such as Mobile Muster will take your old one. It provides dropboxes or accepts phones by mail.

An estimated 22 million old mobile phones are lying around in Australian homes and businesses. Bonnette citing an international Sims Metal Management sustainability report says its global recycling activities have produced energy savings in excess of 14.3 million megawatt hours enough to power about 4.3 million average homes.

That amounts to a COemissions reduction of 15.2 million tonnes for the year which would offset the emissions of about 3.4 million people.

The trash-to-treasure tech movement is an exciting initiative but for people in the developing world it can be life-changing .

Kelvin Doe 15 a self-taught inventor from Sierre Leone creates his own technology such as batteries and generators from parts scavenged from trash bins.

He recently showcased his skills at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge Massachusetts. Doe has built a radio transmitter and says his next project is to build a windmill to generate electricity for his village. Imagine what innovation this young African could produce with just one batch of our e-trash .


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Recycling Old TV's & Monitors

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