Gravy Day 2024

Gravy Day 2024Gravy Day 2024

Saturday 21st December 2024

Australian singer Paul Kelly's hit How to Make Gravy is written from the perspective of a man (Joe) in jail writing to his family ahead of Christmas in Australia, sharing his recipe for gravy because he won't be there to make it for them.

Since its release, Australians pay homage to the track by celebrating 'Gravy Day' on 21 December, the day the prisoner authors his letter, according to the song.

Although food critics might disagree with his choice of adding tomato sauce to the gravy for "that extra tang", Joe's letter was written on the 21st of December, which is why this date is known as Gravy Day in Australia.

Joe's recipe for gravy, which Kelly sings during the song, calls for "flour, salt, a little red wine" and a "dollop of tomato sauce for sweetness and that extra tang". The gravy recipe is genuine - Kelly learnt it from his first father-in-law.

How to Make Gravy

Paul Kelly: Songwriting, grief & gravy
SBS The Feed

How to Celebrate Gravy Day

Celebrate Gravy Day with these ideas:

Make Some Gravy
Gather the ingredients included in Kelly's song, or choose another recipe from a family member or friend.

Recipe #1 Recipe #2 Recipe #3 Recipe #4

Play and Sing Paul Kelly Songs
Spend Gravy Day in a festive manner by singing a range of different folk, rock and country music songs by one of Australia's most well-known singer-songwriters, Paul Kelly. With twenty-eight studio albums, six live albums and still more compilations and video albums, there will be no shortage of opportunities to build a soundtrack in celebration of Gravy Day!

Start a playlist and begin with some of these songs, one from each decade of Kelly's career:

Before Too Long (1986)
Careless (1992)
Sure Got Me (2004)
Finally Something Good (2017)

❊ When ❊

Date: Saturday 21st December 2024


❊ Web Links ❊

Gravy Day 2024

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