Local Trivia

Local Trivia - Reference City Guide

We come across all sorts of interesting tit-bits that are often very difficult to categorise, so this is where they end up...

◉ Australian Words the Yanks (Americans) Get Wrong
Australian Words the Yanks (Americans) Get Wrong
20 AUSTRALIAN WORDS THAT MEAN SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT IN THE USA. The Yanks (Americans - Septic Tanks) are fascinated by the differences that exist between the Australian vocabulary and their own vocabul ..

Australian Words the Yanks (Americans) Get Wrong
◉ Lamington
A lamington cake is a sponge cake coated in chocolate sauce and rolled in desiccated coconut. Lamingtons were named after Lord Lamington (Governor of Queensland 1896 to 1901), or his wife, Lady Lamington. ..

◉ Milk Bar
Milk Bar
The term MILK BAR for a corner shop is unique in Australia & New Zealand. Elsewhere milk bars are called a convenience store, corner shop, general store or 7/11. The local milk bar was part of the local comm ..

Milk Bar
◉ Vegemite
187 Todd Road Fishermans Bend
Vegemite dates back to 1922 when Fred Walker and Cyril Callister developed a spread from one of the richest known natural sources of the vitamin B group - Brewers Yeast. Walker turned to the Australian publi ..

1800 033 275Vegemite
187 Todd Road