Flipside Circus |

Flipside Circus is Queensland's largest youth circus company with a national reputation for excellence in training and performance.
We believe circus provides a unique opportunity for young people to show off, to take risks, to trust, to dream and aspire, to work hard, to laugh, and to have fun!
Flipside is a not-for-profit organisation that provides:
Regular classes and training at our Alderley training centre and right across Queensland;
An artistic program of performances by, for, and with young people;
Community and social circus programs.
Flipside values children and young people as cultural creators and works with a regular team of extraordinary trainers and artists as well as amazing guest trainers and artists from around Australia and the world.
Our training centre in Alderley is over 1500 square metres and jam packed with a huge range of circus apparatus and equipment. We are also home to a range of local artists, artists in resident, and arts organisations including; Cluster Arts, debase, and Imaginary Theatre.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 117 Mina Parade Alderley View Map
✆ Telephone: 07 3352 7233
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Flipside Circus
➼ www.flipsidecircus.org.au
Tags: Circus
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