World Alzheimer's Day 2024

World Alzheimer's Day 2024World Alzheimer's Day 2024

Dementia Awareness Week is held during September each year with World Alzheimer's Day occurring on 21 September.

Alzheimer's Australia has a vision to develop dementia-friendly communities and organisations in Australia to reduce the stigma and social isolation associated with a diagnosis of dementia.

The essence of dementia-friendly communities is to engage people with dementia in everyday life. People with disabilities have insisted on societies being inclusive and so should people with dementia.

Dementia Action Week

We're encouraging everyone to take the first step to learn more about dementia and how you can help shape our communities for the better.

We aim to give Australians a better understanding of what it is like for a person to live with dementia. It also highlights the importance of accessing services and information early to empower and enable everybody impacted by dementia, including carers.

Dementia Action Week

❊ When ❊

Date: Saturday 21st September 2024


❊ Web Links ❊

World Alzheimer's Day 2024

❊ Also See.. ❊

Dementia Australia

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