White Ribbon Day 2025: Stop Violence Against Women

White Ribbon Day will be back on Tuesday 25th November 2025*
This White Ribbon Day, our focus is on the action men can take to end men's violence against women. We're asking 'How Can Men Make Change?' and challenging men, and all Australians, to 'Learn, Give and Take Action'.
We invite you to be a part of the change by holding a White Ribbon Day event in your workplace, community or club.
The campaign culminates on White Ribbon Day each year when men and women across Australia are called to wear a white ribbon or wristband as a visual symbol of their commitment and oath.
25 November was declared "International Day Against Violence Against Women.
White Ribbon Australia
White Ribbon Australia seeks an Australian society in which all women can live in safety free from violence and abuse.
White Ribbon Australia works through a primary prevention approach to stop violence against women before it happens. We see men as central to this and support them to work alongside women to demand social change.
Through education awareness-raising and creative campaigns prevention programs and partnerships we highlight the positive role men play in this social movement and support them to stand up speak out and act to stop mens violence against women.
hey mate.. it's never alright!
❊ When ❊
Date: Tuesday 25th November 2025
❊ Web Links ❊
→ White Ribbon Day 2025: Stop Violence Against Women→ www.whiteribbon.org.au
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ White Ribbon
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