National Tree Day 2025

National Tree Day 2025National Tree Day 2025

Get Outside & Grow for National Tree Day

Planet Ark's National Tree Day is Australia's biggest community tree-planting event.

Since Tree Day started in 1996 over 10.5 million native trees and shrubs have been planted by more than a million volunteers! Planting is done on the last Sunday of July.

Tree planting makes a positive difference to our environment and the benefits reach into schools and communities and also help our precious native animals and plants survive in Australia's diverse natural settings.

Planet Ark and Toyota are calling on all Australians to Get Outside and Grow and help make nature a part of our everyday lives where we live learn work and play.

There are more ways to branch out and help. Not only can you organise or attend a planting or activity at a park beach school or nature reserve.

So DIG IN this National Tree Day

National Tree Day is held on the last Sunday in July

Tree Day

Schools Tree Day is Friday 25 July and National Tree Day is Sunday 27 July. Tropical Tree Day is Sunday 1 December.

One Tree Per Child

The aim of One Tree Per Child is to get every child to plant at least one tree before they leave school.

Learn More

❊ When ❊

Date: Sunday 27th July 2025


❊ Web Links ❊

National Tree Day 2025

❊ Also See.. ❊

One Tree Per Child | National Tree Day

Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more

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