Lunar New Year Festivals 2025

Lunar New Year Festivals 2025Lunar New Year Festivals 2025

January - February 2025 | Saturday 29th January 2025 is New Year's Day

The Chinese New Year of 2025 falls on January 29th (Wednesday), and will last to February 12th. It is the Year of Snake. As an official public holiday, Chinese people can get seven days' off from work, from January 28th to February 3th.

Celebrations last up to 16 days but only the first 7 days are considered a public holiday.

Chinese and Lunar New Year festivals are held in CBD and suburbs of every state with each festival offers its own unique theme performances and food.

Year of the Snake | Annual Festivals

Visitors will experience Chinese Lion Dance Firecrackers Traditional Folk Music Dancers Martial Artists and much more.

Snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness, mystery, as well as acumen and divination. In most cases, this animal is considered evil and the elongated legless body always scares people. However, in ancient Chinese traditions, the snake once presented a venerated image and it is one of the earliest totems of Chinese nations. Chinese mother goddess Nüwa who said to have created humanity has the body of a snake and the head of a human. The Chinese dragon also has a snake body. Today, in some places in China, people still believe that a snake found in their courtyard can bring good luck.

People born in the Year of the Snake are considered rational, calm, thoughtful, and loyal to the loved ones.

Chinese New Year

According to Chinese Lunar calendar the Chinese New Year Day is the new moon day of the first lunar month. The first lunar month is the second lunar month after the lunar month (11th lunar month) contains Winter Solstice which is around December 23 in Gregorian calendar (western calendar). As a result Chinese New Year Day might fall in the second half of January or the first half of February.

❊ When ❊

Date/s: Friday 17th January 2025  -  Wednesday 12th February 2025


❊ Web Links ❊

Lunar New Year Festivals 2025

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