James Barth: The Clumped Spirit

James Barth: The Clumped SpiritJames Barth: The Clumped Spirit

James Barth | The Clumped Spirit
Saturday 12 October - Sunday 22 December 2024
Institute of Modern Art
Free Public Art Gallery

James Barth's practice explores the themes of trans self-representation and embodiment.

Trained as an oil painter her work extends beyond the traditional through a layered creative process.

Using 3D modelling software Barth first creates stages props and avatars rendered in her likeness and assembles them into detailed digital tableaux.

The compositions are then animated into video works and transmuted into oil paintings.

The Clumped Spirit marks Barth's conceptual departure from self portraiture.

Drawing on the material characteristics of modernist architecture cinematic languages of the 1960s and 1970s and dance Barth will dismantle her avatar across digital and physical worlds.

❊ When ❊

Date/s: Saturday 12th October 2024  -  Sunday 22nd December 2024

Times: Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm

❊ Where ❊

 Institute of Modern Art View Venue
 Ground Floor, Judith Wright Arts Centre 420 Brunswick Street Brisbane Queensland  Map
Institute of Modern ArtGround Floor, Judith Wright Arts Centre 420 Brunswick Street, Brisbane, , Queensland✆ Venue: +61-7-3252-5750 | Event:

❊ Web Links ❊

James Barth: The Clumped Spirit

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