International Day of People with Disability 2024

International Day of People with Disability 2024International Day of People with Disability 2024

Tuesday 3rd December 2024 is International Day of People with Disability.

International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations sanctioned day that aims to promote an understanding of people with disability and encourage support for their dignity rights and well-being.

The day also seeks to increase awareness of the benefits of the integration of people with disability in every aspect of political social economic and cultural life.

More than 600 events were held across Australia to celebrate International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) ranging from morning teas to karaoke competitions and dinner dances.

IDPwD is celebrated worldwide on 3 December recognising the achievements and contributions of people with disability. IDPwD brings together people with disability and the general community and aims to:

Melbourne showcase the skills abilities contributions and achievements of people with disability

Melbourne promote a positive image of people with disability

Melbourne involve people with disability and the broader community in activities to celebrate and raise awareness of IDPwD.

❊ When ❊

Date: Tuesday 3rd December 2024


❊ Web Links ❊

International Day of People with Disability 2024

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