Friends for Good

Friends for Good

Friends for Good is a national not-for-profit organisation that focuses specifically on loneliness and social isolation.

We raise awareness of loneliness as a significant issue in the community and address gaps in services to foster a greater sense of connection and wellbeing for individuals and communities.

FriendLine is a free anonymous service where anyone from the community can call and chat to a friendly volunteer.

We also provide community education events and workshops to raise awareness of loneliness as a significant issue.

FriendLine is available for anyone in Australia.

We have state-based offices in Melbourne Sydney Brisbane Perth and Adelaide.

Online Training Workshops

Join us at one of our upcoming interactive workshops to learn more about loneliness its impacts and how it can be tackled.

Topics include:
- Understanding and Identifying Loneliness
- Loneliness in the Aged Care Sector
- Building Connected Workplaces
- Conducting Community-Based Research

For more information and to register visit:


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Friends for Good

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