Footy Colours Day 2024 | Fight Cancer Foundation

Footy Colours Day 2024 | Fight Cancer FoundationFooty Colours Day 2024 | Fight Cancer Foundation

Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising event in September where thousands of Aussies come together proudly sport their team's colours and raise money so kids don't fight cancer alone.

Footy Colours Day is Fight Cancer Foundation's national community fundraising event which asks participants to host an event at their workplace school club or home and wear their favourite footy colours for kids with cancer.

Your impact

Being diagnosed with cancer as a child changes everything.

School. playing with friends and sports are replaced by the scary world of cancer treaments - often far from home and usually for more than six months.

Finding accomodation during that time can be an enormous financial and emotional stress for a family.

But you can help give families the accomodation they need to stay together.

By hosting a Footy Colours Day and raising money you'll be helping provide families with a place to stay during treatment - so they can fight cancer as a team.

No child should have to face cancer alone.


How it works

Choose any date you'd like to host your Footy Colours Day register for free and then spread the word to get your teammates colleagues friends or studets onside!

Have a screamer of a day with games afternoon tea a sausage sizzle or anything else that will get your team excited - just make sure to wear your colours with pride!

The money you raise on the day goes directly to the Fight Cancer Foundation. You'll be helping kids kick cancer by funding family accomodation and supporting vital research.


❊ When ❊

Date/s: Sunday 1st September 2024  -  Monday 30th September 2024


❊ Web Links ❊

Footy Colours Day 2024 | Fight Cancer Foundation

Disclaimer: Details can change at any time. Always check with the advertiser before making plans, buying tickets or proceeding .. more

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