Energy for Life Discovery Centre |

Test your power at the Energy for Life Discovery Centre at Cobb+Co Museum.
How much people power does it take to run a mobile phone? How about a hair dryer, or to boil a kettle?
How fast can you make a marble travel through your maze using only the energy from gravity? How can you make it travel faster?
You will be amazed at the different types of energy you have within you. See the energy in a clap, in the heat from your hands, the power in your jump.
Gears can make us more energy efficient - can you make the music play faster and slower just by using the gears?
Some of the themes explored in the new Discovery Centre include What is energy?, Where does it come from?, How does it behave?, How does it affect us?, How does our body use and store energy? and How can we use energy more sustainably?.
The new Energy for Life Discovery Centre explores these significant issues in a way that is fun and challenging and makes you think about how you use energy in your own life.
Admission to Cobb+Co Museum
Adult: $12.50
Concession: $10.00
Child (3-14 years): $6.50
Child (under 3 years): Free
Family (1 adult and up to 3 children): $25.00
Family (2 adults and up to 4 children): $32.00
The Workshops Rail Museum member: Free
Carers (upon presentation of carers id): Free
Toowoomba Regional Council area residents: Free (with proof of address - courtesy of Toowoomba Regional Council)
Time: Daily: 10am to 4pm
❊ Location ❊
Cobb+Co Museum [ view ]27 Lindsay Street Toowoomba Queensland 4350 View Map
Telephone: (07) 4659 4900
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Energy for Life Discovery Centre
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