Cairns Civic Theatre |

The Cairns Civic Theatre is located on the corner of Florence and Sheridan Streets, just north of the centre of Cairns.
Theatre administration is located in the building next to the theatre building.
There are several time-limited parking bays at the front of the theatre that customers can use when purchasing tickets in person at Ticketlink. These bays can be accessed from Florence Street immediately prior to the Sheridan Street traffic lights.
During business hours, parking is often very limited at the theatre. After hours, there is usually parking available in the free car park of the Civic Theatre grounds, or nearby on the streets.
Ticket Office:
The ticketLiNK office is located in the foyer of the Cairns Civic Theatre.
Phone bookings and enquiries: 1300 855 835
Theatre administration phone number is: (07) 4050 7777
Fax: 07 4050 7780
Ticketlink and Cairns Civic Theatre postal address:
PO Box 359
Cairns Qld 4870
The ticket office is open:
Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.30pm
Sat 9am-1pm
And one hour before each performance at the Cairns Civic Theatre.
Administration offices are open:
Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm
There is no ATM on site at the theatre, although the ticket office accepts eftpos and credit cards (Visa and Mastercard). The bar accepts cash only. The closest ATM is at the ECU directly across the road from the theatre on Sheridan Street.
Smoking is permitted in the designated smoking areas to the sides of the theatre. Smoking is not permitted anywhere else in the theatre or its grounds. Please refer to the Smoking Management Plan via the website.
Babes in Arms
Individual shows vary as to whether babes in arms are permitted.
Generally, for performances catering to adults and presented by Cairns Civic Theatre (not an outside presenter), children up to the age of two may sit on an adults lap. All children over the age of 12 months must buy a ticket to childrens shows. Please be considerate of other people in the theatre.
Much of our programming is suitable to children aged 10 and up, and some productions are fine for younger children. Please ask our box office staff if you have questions about the suitability of a production.
Please be on time
All performances begin promptly and there are no refunds for latecomers. Latecomers may have to wait until a suitable break in the performance to be seated. If you leave your seat during the performance, we may not be able to re-seat you until the interval.
Electronic Devices
Cameras and tape or video recorders are not permitted in the theatre. Please turn off mobile phones, personal stereos, beepers, pagers and wristwatch alarms.
Many people have environmental allergies. You can help by using scented product sparingly.
Special Access
Special Access parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the Civic Theatre car park.
Wheelchair accessible seating is available in Cairns Civic Theatre and must be booked in advance by calling the box office. (Sorry, we are not yet able to offer this online).
Assistance is available if required- please let our front of house staff know your requirements.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ Cnr Florence St and Sheridan St Cairns 4870 View Map
✆ Telephone: (07) 4050 7777
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Cairns Civic Theatre
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