Albert Street Uniting Church |

Albert Street Uniting Church sits in the heart of Brisbane CBD at the corner of Albert Street and Ann Street, directly across the road from King George Square and Brisbane City Hall.
Since its first acts of compassion and kindness in 1847, the Albert Street Congregation has had a vital presence in the Brisbane CBD, particularly among those who have often found themselves in need or on the margins of society.
For over 170 years, we have been committed to being 'good news' people, advocating for hope and healing and justice for all people.
The gospel message of Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God, remains at the heart of all we do.
Our continual prayer is that we are becoming more like Jesus as we participate with the work of the Holy Spirit at work in and around us.
We are the spiritual home of Wesley Mission Queensland which was established in 1907 through this worshipping community when it was known as the Central Methodist Mission.
Today, Wesley Mission Queensland provide services throughout Queensland to people from a wide spectrum across the community including: the elderly (retirement living, residential aged care), youth and families at risk of homelessness, those living with a disability and people struggling with disadvantage who have nowhere else to turn.
We are a member of the Uniting Church in Australia. In 1977, Albert Street joined with other Methodist churches, the Congregational Union in Australia, and Presbyterian churches to form the Uniting Church in Australia.
Our Beliefs
The Uniting Church in Australia was formed in 1977 when Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational churches joined together to share in God's mission of love and justice and peace. The Uniting Church in Australia is shaped by the Evangelical and Reformed traditions of the Christian faith. We are a church that is continually renewed by God's reconciling love found in Jesus Christ, and we are committed to share this Good news with others - through worship, witness and service.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 319 Albert Street Brisbane City 4000 View Map
✆ Telephone: +61 452 631 847
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ Albert Street Uniting Church
❊ Also See.. ❊
➼ Brisbane City Hall
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