
Website - Reference City Guide

◉ Acceptable Use Policy
Acceptable Use Policy
The information on this site is copyright Reproduction in whole or in part or any text, photograph or illustration without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. 1. Permitted Us ..

Acceptable Use Policy
◉ Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
In this policy, "us", "we"or "our"means Ripefruit Pty Ltd (ABN 118 342 788) and its related bodies corporate. This policy sets out: -:- what kind of information we collect; -:- how we collect it;why we ..

Privacy Policy
◉ Update Listing Information
Update Listing Information
Use this service to request content edits, listing reactivation and cancellation. This service enables advertisers' to correct content: description, address, telephone number, date and time. *** HOW T ..

Update Listing Information